Use "leprosy|leprosies" in a sentence

1. Leprosy Strikes

2. Leprosy Fact Sheet

3. Immediately the leprosy vanished.

4. Leprosy can also cause Blindness

5. Adjustmental problems of leprosy patients

6. He believed he had leprosy.

7. She has diffuse lepromatous leprosy.

8. Cleansing from leprosy (1-32)

9. It's also known as " pretty leprosy ".

10. The leprosy made him vulnerable to the anthrax, and the anthrax treatment put the leprosy in overdrive.

11. He knew how to cure leprosy.

12. Immediately the leprosy vanished from him.

13. Miriam struck with leprosy (9-16)

14. It is the disease of leprosy.

15. Leprosy is an indolent infectious disease.

16. No wonder Jehovah struck him with leprosy!

17. He would heal him of his leprosy.’

18. Greedy Gehazi struck with leprosy (20-27)

19. And immediately the leprosy vanished from him.”

20. It is the fear of leprosy, Your Excellency.

21. Naaman healed of leprosy by Elisha (1-19)

22. THE mighty Syrian army chief Naaman has leprosy.

23. Doing so, Naaman was cured of his leprosy.

24. Then he would cure him of his leprosy.”

25. They had leprosy, and the future looked bleak.

26. Be made clean." Immediately his leprosy was Cleansed

27. Gehazi receives Naaman’s leprosy. —2 Kings 5:24-27

28. Other kinds of bacteria cause leprosy and undulant fever.

29. Is Leprosy Today the Same as in Bible Times?

30. Alum is a good herbal treatment for Leprosy Sores

31. A Common Genetic Fingerprint in Leprosy and Crohn's Disease?

32. 6 Leprosy is a chronic and consumptive social disease.

33. The physician Luke describes him as being “full of leprosy.”

34. Tuberculosis, leprosy, goiter, malaria, and diarrhoea have been sufficiently reduced

35. Leprosy bacilli taken from two newly detected patients with lepromatous leprosy have been inoculated into the rear foot pads of BALB/C pure bred mice.

36. As a result, Jehovah struck him with leprosy. —2 Chron.

37. For example, in Jesus’ day contracting leprosy was distinctly possible.

38. But they believed that Jesus could take away their leprosy.

39. Free from the pollution of leprosy or other contagious disease.

40. Caught early and addressed promptly, leprosy need leave no trace.

41. Tuberculosis, leprosy, goiter, malaria, and diarrhoea have been sufficiently reduced.

42. In that case he would recover him from his leprosy.”

43. It is leprosy of the head or of the chin.

44. You can't actually be disappointed that Tom doesn't have leprosy.

45. Chaulmoogra oil, Hastings, was once the only treatment for leprosy.

46. For eczema, wet sore, itchy skin, leprosy, as scabies ringworm.

47. And immediately the leprosy vanished from him, and he became clean.”

48. + 42 Immediately the leprosy vanished from him, and he became clean.

49. Dreaded diseases like scarlet fever and leprosy responded to the sulfas.

50. The leprosy that Naaman had been cured of came upon Gehazi.

51. That “leprosy” may have referred to a type of mold or mildew.

52. I took drugs for leprosy from 1960 until about five years ago.

53. In fact leprosy is the least infectious of all the communicable diseases.

54. Dapsone, a sulfone, is used therapeutically to treat leprosy and dermatitis herpetiformis.

55. The hand looked as if it had the bad sickness called leprosy.

56. Has the Commission already launched various initiatives in order to combat leprosy?

57. They often have a bad reputation because they are the only animal other than humans that can contract leprosy, but cases of humans getting leprosy by handling Armadillos are extremely rare

58. Seeking a cure for his leprosy, he went to see Jehovah’s prophet Elisha.

59. The Armadillo is linked to a number of pathogens and diseases, as listed below: Leprosy: Studies have shown a strong association with the Armadillo and the transmission of leprosy to humans

60. And he healed the sick man from his leprosy. —Mark 1:40-42.

61. One day a man with a painful skin disease called leprosy went to Jesus.

62. Some, on learning that they have leprosy, fall into a state of abject despair.

63. It is not as severe as black leprosy and basically affects the peripheral nerves.

64. 14 People afflicted with leprosy in ancient times often experienced a heartbreakingly slow death.

65. For example, when Moses’ sister, Miriam, murmured against Moses, Jehovah struck her with leprosy.

66. Whom did Uzziah king of Judah foreshadow, and why was Uzziah struck with leprosy?

67. CLUE: I was struck with leprosy for trying to burn incense upon Jehovah’s altar.

68. In the past 20 years, 16 million people worldwide have been cured of leprosy.

69. Miriam and Aaron’s complaint against Moses results in Miriam being temporarily stricken with leprosy.

70. Leprosy is targeted for “elimination as a public health problem” by the year 2000.

71. 15 Nor were all convinced that leprosy warranted being singled out for special attention.

72. Although rare, Armadillos can transmit Hansen's disease, more commonly known as Leprosy, to humans

73. They have subdued dreadful diseases, such as leprosy, tuberculosis, pneumonia, scarlet fever, and syphilis.

74. For much of its long history, leprosy was feared as an incurable, disfiguring disease.

75. + Then Aaron turned toward Mirʹi·am, and he saw that she was struck with leprosy.

76. In the classification based on skin smears, patients showing negative smears at all sites are grouped as pauciBacillary leprosy (PB), while those showing positive smears at any site are grouped as having multiBacillary leprosy (MB).

77. It was acknowledged that leprosy could reach a stage in which it was not contagious.

78. Leprosy is not highly contagious; most people have immune systems strong enough to counter it.

79. If the leprosy returned, the building was to be demolished and the materials disposed of.

80. The vaccine - which consists of whole, dead leprosy bacilli - should induce immunity in the subjects.